summary | ||
public |
F decide(instance: ParitiesInstance | SignsInstance | KeysInstance): boolean Decide whether the given instance has a satisfying assignment. |
public |
F solve(instance: ParitiesInstance | SignsInstance | KeysInstance): IterableIterator<number[]> Yields all satisfying assignments for the input instance. |
public |
F verify(instance: ParitiesInstance | SignsInstance | KeysInstance, certificate: number[]): boolean Verify that satisfiability of the input instance can be derived from the input certificate. |
public |
V from_: {"parities": *, "signs": *, "keys": *, "dcnf": *} The input is converted to parity format in each case. |
summary | ||
public |
F * SAT0W(n: number, clauses: number[][], watchlist: number[][][], assignment: number[], d: number): IterableIterator<number[]> SAT0W. |
public |
F setup_watchlist(n: number, clauses: number[][]): number[][][] Setup_watchlist. |
public |
F update_watchlist(watchlist: number[][][], false_literal: number, assignment: number[]): boolean Updates the watch list after literal 'false_literal' was just assigned False, by making any clause watching false_literal watch something else. |
summary | ||
public |
Maintains a mapping between variable names and a parity representation of the instance. |
public |
Holds all properties of a k-CNF SAT instance in parity format. |
public |
Allows to produce an assignment format that makes sense in sign format. |
private |
F _certificate_to_keys(variables: any[], certificate: number[]): Map<any, number> Constructs an assignment map from a list of variable names and an assignment vector in parity format. |
private |
Counts the number of variables in a parity format clauses list. |
private |
F _keys_to_parity(clauses: [any,any][][]): KeysInstance _keys_to_parity. |
private |
F _parity_to_keys(variables: any[], clauses: number[][]): * _parity_to_keys. |
private |
F _parity_to_sign(clauses: number[][]): number[][] _parity_to_sign. |
private |
F _sign_to_parity(clauses: number[][]): SignsInstance _sign_to_parity. |
summary | ||
private |
F _parse_DIMACS_CNF(iterable: Iterable<string>): * _parse_DIMACS_CNF. |
private |
F _parse_int(first_symbol: string, iterator: Iterator<string>): [boolean, number] _parse_int. |
private |
F _skip_blanks(iterator: Iterator<string>): [boolean, string] _skip_blanks. |